
Get your Copy of The KPI
Dashboard Here.

The updated version of the template now allows you to see how you are tracking for your key metrics.

The data entry has been simplified; just add six numbers and view your month-to-date or year-to-date progress on the dashboard.

Compare your results vs target and vs last year.

GSE - KPI Dashboard.xlsx

Spreadsheet • 193kb

Download Your KPI Dashboard Here.

KPI Dashboard

Use the template to…

The list below contains some of the more common KPIs used in cafes.

When considering which KPIs to use then think about what is most important in your business, which ones are going to drive the results that you are after?

I would suggest choosing no more than about 5-7 KPIs and make sure that they are quick and easy to measure and record, you don’t want it to become a job that you can’t do consistently.

Remember, things that are measured and monitored usually grow.