This is a well established easy to run and profitable business that will suit either a first time operator or an additional outlet for an existing owner looking to add 25-30kg per week in coffee sales.
The shop is surrounded by both residential and commercial neighbours. It is located just off of the busiest roads on The Northern Beaches and benefits from parking outside as well as being located close to a large car park.
The interior area has an urban feel with modern furniture and a high spec fit out, outdoor seating is also permitted at the front of the building.
The café has been established in its current format for several years and it trades seven days serving coffee, breakfasts and light lunches. The business has built up a loyal following of regular customers and it also benefits from passing trade.
A strong lease with low rent also means lower risk for your first café, if this sounds like an opportunity that might suit you then please get in touch with us today.
**Please note that for confidentiality the image in this advert is generic and is not of the actual business**