How to increase Cafe Profits – Menu Costings

How to increase Cafe Profits - Menu Costings-1

One of the biggest factors when working out the potential sale price of your café will be the profitability.


Whatever stage you are at whether you are on the market now or just wanting to make plans to sell further down the track then this is a good exercise to go through.


Periodically costing out your individual menu items and dishes puts your mind at rest that each item that you are selling is priced right and making the correct margin.


The process of going through your supplier invoices will also force you to check what you are paying for key ingredients and may help you pick up on price rises that you had not been aware of.


Costing out each item is also a good way to check current portion sizes and make sure that staff are all aware of correct amount of each ingredient that they should be using for each dish.


Being aware of you highest margin lines will also help you when it comes to knowing what you can offer as a promotion or special and which dishes you and your staff should be pushing the hardest.


This video shows how a simple spreadsheet like this can make the process quick and painless, it will also give you a reference to check back against when you make any changes to ingredients, suppliers or prices.


Don’t feel you need to cost out all of your dishes at once, just pace yourself and start with the highest selling lines.


If you have never done this or not done it for some time then I guarantee its going to be an eye opener!


I hope this helps, feel free to comment below or get in touch if you need any help.



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